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Preguntas frecuentes

What do assessments look like at iREN? 


iREN has 4 assessments a year. These assessments are used to determine your child’s level of language, math and critical thinking. When a child enters iREN they are given a diagnostic test to create the study plan. They are then assessed academically at the end of each term, for midterms and final exams.



What is the student portfolio?


Students are expected to collect examples of learning and performance throughout the year in order to create their yearly student portfolio. This is presented to West River Academy for accreditation and is given to students at the conclusion of the school year.  



What is social emotional intelligence?

Social Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions. SEI is a combination of skills that can be taught and nurtured through awareness and training. Individuals with an above-average SEI gives rise to academic success, advanced coping skills, stress management, reasoning, and better interpersonal skills.



What makes iREN unique?

When students arrive at iREN they are assessed academically and social-emotionally. The tutoring team works to iron out any social emotional issues in order to make academic learning more fluid. Once children feel safe, secure, and accepted, there are no barriers to the impulse to learn.

How many kids are there per class? 

iREN classes have a maximum of 10 kids per class in grades 1st - 6th. 8 students per class for ages 2-5 and ages 13-18.  


What specials do iREN kids enjoy?

At iREN, our children experience both creative and physical specials weekly. These include Archery class, Pool, Horseback riding, Theater, Gardening, Music, and Art. Each day, the kids will have one physical special and one creative special. 

Where are we located?

We are located in Black Stallion Hills Eco Park, in Linderos, Guanacaste. We are five minutes outside of Villareal.

What is our vacation schedule?

At iREN, we have summer vacation through the month of July, and winter vacation through the month of December. We then enjoy two weeks of vacation in both April and October.

How much does it cost to graduate through West River Academy?

West River Academy offers their diplomas for a starting price of $225 for the initial child and $40 for each additional student. 


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